All Sermons in this Series

Matthew 1
Who is this King? What is His Kingdom like?

Matthew 2
A Tale of Two Kings and Two Kingdoms

Matthew 3
Here Comes the King!

Matthew 4:1-11
The Temptation of Christ

Matthew 4:12-25
Three Firsts

Matthew 5:1-12, Week 1
What is the blessed life?

Matthew 5:1-12, Week 2
The Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12, Week 3
The Beatitudes

Matthew 5:13-16
Kingdom Living

Matthew 5:17-20
Jesus and the Scriptures

Matthew 5:21-48
Kingdom Living in a Fallen World

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Kingdom Appetites in a Fallen World

Matthew 6:7-15
Teach Us to Pray

Matthew 6:19-34
Kingdom Ambitions in a Fallen World

Matthew 7
Building on the Firm Foundation

Matthew 8:1-17
An Outcast, an Outsider and an Obsolete

Matthew 8:18-27
Counting the Cost

Matthew 8:28-34
The Boundless Reach of Redemption

Matthew 9:1-8
Who is this?

Matthew 9:9-17
Two Words that Can Change Your World

Matthew 9:18-38
From Desperation to Salvation

Matthew 10:1-23
The One True King and His Irrepressible Kingdom

Matthew 10:24-42
The Kingdom Opposed

Matthew 11:1-15
Jesus’ Response to Doubt

Matthew 11:16-30
An Extraordinary Invitation from Jesus

Matthew 12:1-21
Three Essentials for a Flourishing Soul

Matthew 12:22-50
No Neutral Ground

Matthew 13:1-23
The Parable of the Sower, the Seed and the Four Soils

Matthew 13:24-43
What kind of world do you really want to live in?

Matthew 13:44-52
The Treasure of the Kingdom

Matthew 13:53-14:14
Jesus’ response to rejection, grief and need

Matthew 14:14-21
Bread for the Journey

Matthew 14:22-33
Dare We Trust Jesus?

Matthew 14:34-15:20
Kingdom Faith or Mere Tradition?

Matthew 15:21-39
Foreshadowing the Future

Matthew 16
A Call to Die

Matthew 17:1-13
A Glimpse of His Glory

Matthew 17:14-23
The King in His Power

Matthew 17:22-18:14
Greatness Redefined

Matthew 18:15-35
How to Pursue Reconciliation, Restoration and Forgiveness

Matthew 19
Rules, Regulations, and Redemptive Relationships

Matthew 20
The Upside-Down Kingdom of Jesus

Matthew 21:23-32
The Freedom of Divine Authority

Matthew 21:1-22
Waving Palms and Withered Trees

Matthew 21:33-22:14
You’ve Been Invited!

Matthew 22:15-46
A Coin, a Casket and a Commandment

Matthew 23
From Woes to Worship

Matthew 24
The Beginning of the End

Matthew 25:1-30
Waiting, Watching & Working

Matthew 25:31-46
Sheep and Goats

Matthew 26:1-29
The Institution of the Lord's Supper

Matthew 26:30-75
Jesus in the Garden

Matthew 27:1-31
The Approach to the Cross

Matthew 27:32-66
The Power of the Cross of Christ

Matthew 28:1-15
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ