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We hope these readings, prayers, songs, sermon notes + quotes are beneficial to you this week. See you next Sunday at 9 or 11 am, 10 am on TVC Online or anytime!
Sermon Notes for January 12, 2025
Luke 8:40-56
Faith in the Waiting: Trusting the Timing of the Unhurried Healer
Associate Pastor Tom Yarbrough
The Miracles of Jesus:
- Display the power and authority of Jesus
- Arouse curiosity about Jesus
- Reveal the compassion of Jesus
- Affirm the identity of Jesus
- Inspire discipleship and worship of Jesus
1. A public petition from a desperate father
2. A secret application by a diseased woman
3. A generous adoption by an unhurried Healer
4. A miraculous resurrection of a beloved daughter
“…many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus did not entrust himself to them because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man.”
John 2:23-25
“Jesus healed without the use of medical or surgical means, without delay, degree, or remission, but immediately, completely, and permanently, so that even hostile eyewitnesses said, ‘We cannot deny it.'”
John Stott
“Faith has value because of the object to which it connects us. Think of skating on a frozen pond. Faith is the means by which we get out on the ice, but it is not the reason we do not sink. We are kept out of the dangerous water below by the object of our faith. It is the thickness of the ice that saves us.”
Kevin DeYoung
1. We can trust that Jesus allows us to approach him in our need.
“We cannot present a reason for Christ to finally close off his heart to his own sheep. No such reason exists. Every human friend has a limit. If we offend enough, if a relationship gets damaged enough, if we betray enough times, we are cast out. The walls go up. With Christ, our sins and weaknesses are the very resumé items that qualify us to approach him.”
Dane Ortlund, Gentle and Lowly
2. We can trust that Jesus delights in and will encourage whatever faith we come to him with.
“The great joy of God in our faith is not just in the act of believing, but in the relationship it establishes between us. God delights in the trust of His children, just as a parent delights in a child’s trust.”
J.I. Packer, Knowing God
3. We can trust that Jesus exercises his initiative in calling us to him, cleansing us of our sins, and meeting our needs.
“You can never take God by surprise. You can never anticipate him. He always makes the first move. He is always there ‘in the beginning’. Before man existed, God acted. Before man stirs himself to seek God, God has sought man. In the Bible we do not see man groping after God; we see God reaching after man.”
John Stott, Basic Christianity
4. We can trust that Jesus is not busy, overwhelmed, or distracted, in responding to our suffering.
“We have a hard time trusting in God’s timing because we believe we are missing out, but the truth is we are missing out only when we don’t wait for His perfect plan.”
Tim Keller, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work
5. We can trust that Jesus has the power to set the world right because not even death is beyond his authority.
“The miracles of Jesus are signs of the right order of things. Jesus was not so much turning things upside down as turning them rightside up or, at least, giving his followers glimpses of the rightside up. The miracles of healing, deliverance, provision, and resurrection all reveal that God, through Jesus, is making all things new, that he is restoring what once was unbroken.”
Matt Chandler & Jared C. Wilson, The Explicit Gospel
Songs, Readings & Prayer for January 12, 2025
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God“ by Martin Luther
“All My Boast Is in Jesus“ by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
“Goodness Of God“ by Ed Cash and Jenn Johnson
“Come Unto Jesus“ by Thomas Moore, Laura Story, Jordan Kauflin, Thomas Hastings, Matt Merker
“Doxology” by Thomas Ken and Louis Bourgeois
All songs are used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690
Call To Worship: Give Thanks to The Lord
Source: 1 Chronicles 16:8-13, 34
Leader: Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; Make known his deeds among the peoples!
Women: Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Tell of all His wondrous works!
Leader: Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Men: Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His presence continually!
Leader: Remember the wondrous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgments He has uttered.
Women: O offspring of Israel His servant, Children of Jacob, His chosen ones!
ALL: Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; For His steadfast love endures forever!
Confession: The Apostles’ Creed
We believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Classic Prayer: Jeremy Taylor, 1613-1667
O eternal God, sanctify my body and soul, my thoughts and my intentions, my words and actions, that whatsoever I shall think, or speak, or do, may be by me designed for the glory of your name, and by your blessing may it be effective in your work. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Discussion Questions for January 12, 2025
- Do we have specific, preconceived ideas about how God should heal us or meet our needs? Are we putting Him in a box by trying to bend His will and timing to ours, or are we trusting that He has our highest good in mind—both now and for all eternity?
- When the answer is no, or wait, how do we respond? How should we respond?
- What hinders or hangs us up from approaching God with our needs – both big and small? If our faith is feeble and flickering, how can it be deepened, developed and made more durable? Where is our ultimate faith and trust placed?
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