TVC Kids provides a place for your children, our next generation, to grow into young worshippers!
Our Nursery, Preschool and K-5 classes partner with parents to serve and find each child feeling loved by our staff, challenged by our teaching and growing in faith & community. We’d love for you and your whole family to join us Sunday mornings at 9 & 11 am!

We would love to have you volunteer ONE Service on ONE Sunday per month in our fun children’s ministry, Nursery through fifth grade! We need 24 volunteers every Sunday to assist our teachers at our two services.

TVC Kids on YouTube
TVC Kids – we have a YouTube channel just for you! This is a safe, kid-friendly place to watch Mrs. Jamie’s daily devotions, Bible lessons, children’s books readings and more. Head over to YouTube to see the full library of content from TVC Kids. Be sure to subscribe for the latest updates!