Biblical Resources
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 6:19-34
Kingdom Ambitions in a Fallen World
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 6:7-15
Teach Us to Pray
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Kingdom Appetites in a Fallen World
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 5:1-12, Week 3
The Beatitudes
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 5:1-12, Week 2
The Beatitudes
Sunday Sermons
Matthew 5:1-12, Week 1
What is the blessed life?
Sunday Sermons
Genesis 38
When Family Life Gets Messy…
Sunday Sermons
Genesis 36-37
That Time the Dream Became a Nightmare
Sunday Sermons
Genesis 34
What happens when we leave God out?
Sunday Sermons
Genesis 32
The Pursuing, Wounding and Renovating Grace of God
Sunday Sermons
Genesis 30-31
Adversity is Often God’s Opportunity
Sunday Sermons