An Evening with Poet Malcolm Guite

A poet and priest, Malcolm was Chaplain of Girton College, University of Cambridge, for 20 years and is a popular lecturer throughout England and North America on theology and literature. He has published several books of poetry; a particular favorite of ours is David’s Crown, a poetic response to the Psalms. Malcolm’s masterful poetry, whether performed live or written, communicates from the “baptized imagination,” a phrase he borrows from one of his role models, C.S. Lewis. Described as an “enchanter of words and readers,” Guite’s way of expressing his faith and life has made him a popular communicator who has revived the medium of poetry for many audiences. He describes his work as a “full-time poet at the service of the church, trying to sing the Christian song into the world, make it attractive to the world, and draw people in.”