March 27, 2022


“Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)”
Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

“Holy, Holy, Holy”
John Bacchus Dykes & Reginald Heber

“My Worth is Not in What I Own”
Graham Kendrick, Keith Getty & Kristyn Getty

“Christ Be in My Waking”
Simon Brading & Stuart Townend

“Doxology” Excerpt from “All Creatures that on Earth Do Dwell”
William Kethe

Call To Worship: 

Lord, fill our hearts with reverence for You. 
Make us hunger for Your Word 
and passionately desire to walk in Your ways. 

Forgive us our sins, for they are many. 
Give us a greater glimpse of Your glory 
as we offer You this praise and worship. 

We thank You for the way You have rescued us 
over and over, through many difficult things.
Come now and help us in this: 
to place our trust, hope, and confidence in You. 

May Your name be honored in our conduct. 
May Your kingdom be made visible in our relationships. 
May Your will be done in our hearts and minds. 

This we pray in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, 
to Whom belongs all glory, forever and ever, amen! 

Classic Prayer: Henry Thornton

We have great reason, O Lord, to be humbled before you, on account of the coldness and insensibility of our hearts, the disorder and irregularity of our lives, and the prevalence of worldly affections within us. Too often have we indulged the tempers which we ought to have subdued, and have left our duty unperformed. O Lord, be merciful to us for your Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Produce in us deep repentance, and a lively faith in that Savior who has died for our sins, and risen again for our justification. Amen. 

Creed: What Does God Require of Us?

Leader:  What is the duty that God requires of mankind? 
People:  The duty which God requires of mankind is obedience to His revealed will. 

Leader:  What did God first reveal to mankind as the rule of their obedience? 
People:  The rule that God first revealed to mankind for obedience was the moral law. 

Leader:  Where is the moral law given in summary form? 
People:  The moral law is summarized in the Ten Commandments. 

Leader:  What is the summary of the Ten Commandments? 
People:   The summary of the ten commandments is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. 

Source: Westminster Shorter Catechism in modern English, Questions 39-42

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