July 28, 2024


“Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)“ by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
“Rejoice“ by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ben Shive, Skye Peterson…
“Christ Be In My Waking“ by Simon Brading and Stuart Townend
“Holy Holy Holy“ by John Bacchus Dykes and Reginald Heber
“Doxology” by Thomas Ken & Louis Bourgeois

All songs are used by Permission. CCLI License #200369

Call To Worship: Steady Dependence

Compose our spirits to a quiet and steady dependence on your good providence, that we may not be anxious for anything, but by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, still make known our requests to you, our God. Help us to pray always and not faint; in everything to give thanks, and offer up the sacrifice of praise continually; to rejoice in hope of your glory; to possess our souls in patience; and to learn in whatsoever state we are, there to be content. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen!

Source: John Wesley, edited

Confession: What is Prayer?

Leader: What is prayer?
People: Prayer is turning my heart toward God, to listen and to speak with him. 

Leader: What should you seek in prayer? 
People: In prayer, I should seek not only God’s provision for my needs, but fellowship with God, who made me for fellowship with himself. 

Leader: Why should you pray? 
People: I should pray because God calls me to do so, because I was made for fellowship with him, because I need the help of his Holy Spirit, and because he has promised to answer the prayers of his people. 

Source: ACNA, Questions 154, 155, 157

Classic Prayer: Esther DeWaal, 1930

Uncrowd our hearts, O God, until silence speaks, in Your still, small voice; turn us from the hearing of words, and the making of words, and the confusion of much speaking, to listening, waiting, stillness, silence.

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