January 30, 2022


“I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)”
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel

“Anchor of Hope”
Brown Bannister and Ellie Holcomb

“How Firm a Foundation”
Joseph Funk, George Keith, John Rippon

“Jesus Died My Soul to Save”
Matt Boswell and Michael Farren

Call To Worship: Almighty and Eternal God

Almighty and Eternal God, You are hidden from my sight.
You are beyond my understanding; 
Your thoughts are not my thoughts.
Your ways are a mystery; 
yet You make a way for me to find You, to be found by You.

You have breathed your Spirit into me. 
You have formed my mind to seek You. 
You have inclined my heart to love You. 
You have made me restless for the rest that is in You.
You have planted within me a hunger and thirst,
only satisfied by the Bread of Life, the Living Water.

Thank You for Your waiting presence, 
Your tender mercies, Your unshaming forgiveness,
Your pursuing love, Your trustworthy refuge.
Thank You for courage for what You call me to.
Today, tomorrow and the next,
We give You praise, honor and glory, 
Almighty and Eternal God.

Classic Prayer: Karl Barth

Lord, our God, you know who we are: People with good and bad consciences; satisfied and dissatisfied, sure and unsure people; Christians out of conviction and Christians out of habit; believers, half-believers, and unbelievers…But now we all stand before you: knowing that your grace is promised to and turned toward all of us through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Do not allow us to harden ourselves to your faithfulness! Continually awaken us from the sleep of indifference and the bad dreams of our pious and impious passions and desires! Do not tire of continually guiding us back onto your path! 
From “Fifty Prayers” by Karl Barth

Creed: Faith in Christ

Leader:  How can we be saved?
People:  Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in His substitutionary atoning death on the cross; so even though we are guilty of having disobeyed God and are still inclined to all evil, nevertheless, God, without any merit of our own but only by pure grace, imputes to us the perfect righteousness of Christ when we repent and believe in Him.


Leader:  What is faith in Jesus Christ?
People:  Faith in Jesus Christ is a saving grace, whereby we receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation, as He is offered to us in the gospel.

Sources: New City Catechism, Question 29; Westminster Shorter Catechism, Question 86

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