August 29, 2021


“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” Oliver Holden, Edward Perronet, & John Rippon
“And Can It Be” Charles Wesley
“Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor” Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
“Be Thou My Vision” Mary Elizabeth Byrne, Eleanor Henrietta Hull
“Power in the Blood” Michael Adler & Lewis Ellis Jones
“We Will Feast in the House of Zion” Sandra McCracken & Joshua Moore

Call To Worship: At the Cross

Most merciful God, thank you for sending to us your Son, Jesus.
We remember this day his redeeming death, that we might stand forgiven at the cross.
Thank you for sending to us your Son, Jesus, to whom we belong, in life and in death.
He bore our infirmities and carried our sorrows.
Most holy God, thank you for sending to us your Son, Jesus,
who became sin for us and suffered the punishment due to us,
that we might stand forgiven at the cross.
In the name of our Lord Jesus, amen.

Classic Prayer: Cornelius Plantinga

O God, your people give you hearty thanks for your matchless grace.
Rescuer of the shamed, you read into human pits to lift the fallen.
We sink into addiction, and you come to heal.
We sink into folly, and you come to correct.
We sink into corruption, and you come to sanctify.
Refuge of all who suffer, we look for shelter in the shadow of your wings.
Rain and hail and wind beat on your wings, but they do not fold.
They are spread like Jesus’s arms on the cross, spread out to protect all who seek shelter beneath them.
O God, wondrous in love for sinners, we give you thanks for your saving grace.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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