August 15, 2021


“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Charles Wesley
“Rock of Ages” Thomas Hastings & Augustus Montague Toplady
“My Worth is Not in What I Own” Graham Kendrick, Keith Getty, & Kristyn Getty
“He Will Hold Me Fast” Ada Ruth Hagerstown & Matthew Merker

Call To Worship: O Lord Our God

O Lord our God, who inhabits eternity,
The heavens declare Your glory,
The earth belongs to You,
You fill the universe with Your presence

You have created us for Your pleasure and filled us with life.
In You we live and move and have our being.
Your providence has set the boundaries of life
And You wisely administer all our affairs.

We thank you for the riches we have in Christ Jesus,
For the unclouded vision He brings of You,
That we may behold Your beauty,
Your character and grace,
And that we may know Your love and mercy.

In the matchless name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

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