Upload Photos or Videos

Please use the button below to upload photos or videos for the TVC Staff to use on social media, the website or designed materials. By uploading these files you acknowledge that you are giving permission for public-facing use.

Pre-Video Checklist

  • Clean your camera lens – It’s easy for iPhone, iPad and Laptop camera lenses to be dirty or have finger prints on them. Be sure to thoroughly clean your lens to avoid foggy/unfocused looking photos.
  • Connect your microphone – Be sure you have your microphone plugged in and test that the audio is working. If you don’t have an external microphone, please stand as close to your camera as possible.
  • Consider the best light – Make sure you have sufficient natural or studio light on your face to avoid grainy videos and poor skin color. As a rule, light sources (windows, lamps, etc) should not be behind you, but directly in front of you (no glasses) or to your side (glasses).
  • Compose yourself – In your iPhone settings under Camera, make sure “Grid” is selected. Then use the grid guidelines on your camera to compose your shot horizontally unless we have asked specifically for vertical. 

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