Tag: prophecy

From Now On

The Gospel According to Luke Pastor Tommy Bailey Luke 5:1-11 People in Luke 5:1-11 “…nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.”Luke 5:5

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How It All Began…

The Gospel According to Luke Pastor Jim Thomas Luke 4:14-44 Luke’s emphasis on the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus: The Miracles of Jesus

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The Temptation of Christ

The Gospel According to Luke Pastor Jim Thomas Luke 4:1-13 1. The Temptation of Christ serves to expose the sources and strategies of temptation. “You

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The Turn of the Tide

The Gospel According to Luke Pastor Jim Thomas Luke 2 “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us;

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The God Who Remembers

The Gospel According to Luke Pastor Tommy Bailey Luke 1 Descriptions of Jesus in Luke: 1. God is at work in history and households  “To

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Worshiping and Witnessing

The Minor Prophets: The God of Our Salvation Associate Pastor Tom Yarbrough Habakkuk 3 “Poets tell us what our eyes, blurred with too much gawking,

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Watching and Waiting

The Minor Prophets: The God of Our Salvation Pastor Matt Pierson Habakkuk 2 “How does Habakkuk help us…as we struggle to work out in our

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The Tyranny of Pride

The Minor Prophets: The God of Our Salvation Pastor Tommy Bailey Obadiah “There is nothing so natural to man, nothing so insidious and hidden from

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Worship + Music

He Is

Charts available here “He Is” by David Crowder, Hank Bentley & Jeff Pardo 2021 Capitol, CMG Amplifier Capitol, CMG Genesis, Every Square Inch, Inot Music,

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Genesis 1:26-31

Sermon Notes + Quotes: Transcript: We study through books of the Bible here at The Village Chapel, and it’s my joy and privilege to be

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Worship + Music

His Mercy Is More

Charts available here by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa© 2018 Getty MusicUsed by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

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