Stream – On-Demand Test 2

The Lord’s Supper has been given to God’s people as a gift, instituted by Jesus with his disciples around the table in the upper room. With thankfulness we remember the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf as we also anticipate his return to make all things new. Some streams of the Christian faith call this meal the Eucharist, which comes from the Latin eucharistia, which means thanksgiving!

During this season of mandated social distancing, we invite you to gather all of those in your household and join us for Thanksgiving Thursdays, a mid-week Facebook Live Communion service, Thursdays at 6:30 pm. You will want to prepare by having some juice and bread or crackers for our brief 20 minute time together. The TVC Ministry Leadership Team will lead us in this simple but meaningful service that culminates with partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

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