Running on Empty 

1 & 2 Kings: The King of Redemption History

Pastor Tommy Bailey

1 Kings 19

“Elijah was a human being, even as we are.”
James 5:17 (NIV)

“Though our bodily gloom allows us no feeling of His tender touch, He holds on to us still. Our feelings of Him do not save us. He does. Our hope therefore, does not reside in our ability to preserve a good mood but in His ability to bear us up. Jesus will never abandon us with our downcast heart.”

Zack Eswine, Spurgeon’s Sorrows

Provisions for the Despairing 

The steadfast pursuit of God (vs. 5-9)

“We need presence in pain; we need the constant God who comforts those who have been broken, just as he was broken. God never promises explanation, but he does promise his presence.” 
Russ Masterson, Searching for Grace

The gentle voice of God (vs. 9-13)

The listening ear of God  (vs. 10-14)

“Prayer allows me to admit my failures, weaknesses, and limitations to One who responds to human vulnerability with infinite mercy.”
Philip Yancey, Rumors from Another World

The unwavering promises of God (vs. 15-21)

“To comfort a desponding spirit is as difficult as to raise the dead; but, then, we have a God who both raises the dead from their graves and His people from their despair.”

Charles H. Spurgeon

Discussion Questions

  • Why does it seem that we are often most vulnerable—spiritually, emotionally, mentally—after a time of success?
  • Have you ever felt crushed in spirit, where you were dealing with fear, isolation & discouragement similar to Elijah in this passage? Did you experience an awareness of God’s provision during this time?
  • What is the significance of God speaking to Elijah in a gentle whisper—rather than through the powerful wind, earthquake or fire?

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