Matthew 17:22-18:14 – Greatness Redefined

Pastor Tommy Bailey

1. Turn in childlike humility

“Not one of us comes to the Kingdom because we are great. We come because our need is great.” — Albert Mohler

2. Walk in childlike obedience

“Repentance, the first word in Christian immigration, sets us on the way to traveling in the light. It is a rejection that is also an acceptance, a leaving that develops into an arriving, a no to the world that is a yes to God.” — Eugene Peterson, Long Obedience in the Same Direction

“The greatest need of my people is my own holiness.” — Robert Murray M’Cheyne

3. Rest in childlike trust

“Do you find your own heart sensitive to the Lord’s presence, or are you among those who are “samplers” and “nibblers”? God help you if you are, for the child of the King isn’t a sampler and a nibbler—he’s a sheep who loves his Shepherd, and he stays close to his Shepherd. That’s the only safe place for a sheep—at the Shepherd’s side, because the devil doesn’t fear sheep—he fears the Shepherd.” — A.W. Tozer, The Counselor

“Remember, therefore, it is not your hold of Christ that saves you—it is Christ; it is not your joy in Christ that saves you—it is Christ…it is Christ’s blood and merits…We shall never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our doings, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul.” — Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening

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