How It All Began…

The Gospel According to Luke

Pastor Jim Thomas

Luke 4:14-44

  • Luke 4:14-44 – Jesus throughout Galilee 
  • Luke 4:14-30 – Jesus in Nazareth  
  • Luke 4:31-44 – Jesus in Capernaum

Luke’s emphasis on the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus:

  • Conception – Luke 1:35
  • Baptism – Luke 3:22
  • Beginning of public ministry – Luke 4:1
  • Declaration of Old Testament fulfillment – Luke 4:18
  • Joy in ministry – Luke 10:21

The Miracles of Jesus

  1.  Arouse curiosity
  2.  Display His power
  3.  Reveal His compassion
  4.  Affirm His identity
  5.  Inspire worship
  1. What does God reveal about Himself in this passage?
  2. How are humanity’s vulnerabilities and needs exposed in this passage?
  3. How is the Gospel reflected in this passage?
  4. What faith response is called for in this passage?

Luke’s research revealed that Jesus is:

  1. The Son of God
  2. The Savior of the world

In Luke 4:14-44 we notice:

  1. The audacious assertion of Jesus v. 14-21
  2. The eager reception of the multitudes v. 14, 15, 22, 32, 36-37, 40-44
  3. The angry rejection of the religious experts v28-29
  4. The selfless and faithful ministry of our Savior

“If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed … In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.”

George Whitfield

Jesus doesn’t just come to sympathize with our pain; He comes to break our chains. He’s not merely a teacher offering wisdom—He’s a Savior offering freedom!

How will you respond to Jesus?

“In the whole history of the world, there is only one person who not only claimed to be God himself but also got enormous numbers of people to believe it. Only Jesus combines claims of divinity with the most beautiful life of humanity.”
Tim Keller, Making Sense of God

“Human beings do not readily admit desperation. When they do, the kingdom of heaven draws near.”

Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew

“This world is a great sculptor’s shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life.”
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Discussion Questions

  1. When Jesus taught in the synagogues, He displayed an intimate knowledge of and intentionality with the scriptures. In our own study of the scriptures, are we willing to put in the hard work of deep, devoted, disciplined study as we pray for the spirit to reveal God’s inspired, inerrant and infallible word to us?
  2. Do we ever try to tame God by attempting to bend his will to our wishes? Do we consider him sovereign only when it suits us, or do we fully acknowledge God as our redeemer and the rightful ruler over all things? Are we resting in his ultimate power and peace?
  3. What is our response to Jesus’ gift of salvation and healing? Are we living lives that overflow with joy and gratitude? What are some tangible ways to turn our gratitude into active service for the kingdom—to give feet to our faith?
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