Creative Thinking with Kim Thomas
Beginning Tuesday, December 3, this seven-part Advent series of the Creative Thinking podcast will focus on Living Between the Two Advents. The tension of living between Christ’s first and second coming is an opportunity to embrace the beauty and mystery of life while being mindful of the hope that is ever set before us. The challenge of holding onto that hope while navigating the in-between-ness of doubt and faith, the aging of midlife, the longing for transformation like the change of water to wine, and the exhortation of life as more than between ho and hum is the reality of where we are in our world. We explore how faith becomes authentic and transformative when our eyes are set on Jesus’ return. Yet, our feet are firmly planted in today. With gentle encouragement and grounded insight, this series speaks into the lives of those living between the advents with grace, purpose, and expectancy.