Thine is the Glory

“glory” = splendor, magnificence, beauty, honor and renown

“Everything that exists is a finger that points to God’s existence and glory.”
Paul David Tripp, Do You Believe?

“God values the overflow of his glory and when other beings respond to it properly with praise and adoration. He created the world to be an arena where this can happen. Each of these things can be considered the ultimate ends God had in mind when he created the world.”
Jonathan Edwards, The End for Which God Created the World

“Nothing can cure you of the desire of receiving glory from men, or of the sensitiveness and pain and anger which come when it is not given, but giving yourself to seek only the glory that comes from God. Let the glory of the All-glorious God be everything to you. You will be freed from the glory of men and of self, and be content and glad to be nothing. Out of this nothingness you will grow strong in faith, giving glory to God, and you will find that the deeper you sink in humility before Him, the nearer He is to fulfill the every desire of your Faith.”
Andrew Murray, Humility

“Let me press you to take the word of God as your rule, the Spirit of God as your guide, the promises of God as your encouragement, and the glory of God as your end.”
Thomas Manton, Sermons on Psalm 119
