November 1, 2015

Ruth 2

Ruth has been called one of the most beautiful short stories in the world. Who was Ruth and what was the disposition of her heart toward God? In what ways did Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer foreshadow the greatest kinsman-redeemer of all, Jesus Christ? Join Pastor Jim for this study of Ruth 2 and the story of God’s amazing grace at work in our world.


Sermon Notes

  1. Hungry for Grace (v. 2)
  2. Humbled by Grace (v. 10)
  3. Helped by Grace (v. 11-13)
  4. Amazed by Grace (v. 17ff)

“Human beings do not readily admit desperation. When they do, the kingdom of heaven draws near.”
Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew

“Grace is love that seeks you out when you have nothing to give in return. Grace is love coming at you that has nothing to do with you. Grace is being loved when you are unlovable.”
Paul Zahl, Grace in Practice

“God’s grace has not only rescued you, but has included you in much bigger and more beautiful purposes for your life than you would have ever chosen on your own.”
Paul Tripp

“It is fitting for a creature to be in a continuous posture of gratitude toward his creator. And it is even more fitting for a redeemed rebel to be in an ongoing posture of gratitude toward his redeemer. The kind of life that flows from such amazing grace is the life of continual thankfulness.”
David Mathis

Discussion Questions

  • Read the passage together: Before today’s sermon, what did you already know or believe about this passage? Did anything in your understanding shift after hearing the message?
  • Challenge and Reflection: Was there a part of today’s message that was particularly challenging or surprising for you? Why?
  • Unpacking the Message: Pick a quote from today’s sermon notes. Discuss what it means to you.
  • Personal Impact: What’s one specific way you feel called to change or grow after hearing this message?
  • Practical Application: What’s one step you can take this week to put today’s message into practice?
  • Connecting Scripture: Are there other Bible passages or stories this message reminds you of? How do they expand or confirm this teaching?
  • Gratitude: What aspect of God’s character stood out to you in today’s message? How does it inspire praise or gratitude?
  • Pray the Scripture: After hearing the message, is there a specific area where you feel led to pray? How can we pray for one another in light of today’s teaching?