October 25, 2015

Ruth 1

The Old Testament book of Ruth portrays the providence of God at work in the lives of ordinary people, whose lives were beset with trials and tribulations. One commentator has said, “No poet in the world has written a more beautiful short story.” Join Pastor Jim for this introduction to Ruth and an inspiring study of chapter 1.


Sermon Notes

Ruth 1

Literary genre

Ruth portrays the providence of God at work in the lives of ordinary people, whose lives were beset with trials and tribulation.
  • Anarchy
  • Famine & financial ruin
  • Desperation & displacement
  • Spiritual tension
  • Grief & loss
  • Return & restart


  1. The God of the Bible was/is working historically, globally & personally.
  2. The God of the Bible is in charge of the course of human history.
  3. The God of the Bible’s gracious providence is not hindered by our fallenness, frustrations or foolishness.
  4. Faith in the God of the Bible will sometimes mean leaving unanswered questions in the hands of a Sovereign God.


“Faith is a journey of trust and growth; it is a moving mobile, not a still life. And when some parts swing for a time in the shadow, we trust that they will again merge into the light as they have many times before.”
David Atkinson

“When you go through a trial, the sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which you lay your head.”
C. H. Spurgeon