Mark 3:31-35

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 3:31-35.

Here we find Jesus clarifying what it means to be part of God’s family and people who can rightly claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. Family relationships come with both privileges and responsibilities.

This passage reminds us of three aspects of actively belonging to any family, group or institution: Relationship, Proximity, Faithfulness. 

Relationship. Christians live in union with Christ, in an active relationship with Him, practicing His presence and following Him in all things. 

Proximity. For whatever may have been lacking in their faith during those moments, the mother of Jesus and His brothers were there. They had not abandoned Him but had maintained a closeness and fellowship in their relationship with Jesus. 

“The very idea of community has been evacuated of the notion of bodily proximity and presence. One might be tempted to despair at this point if it were not for the fact that human beings still need to belong, to be recognized, and to have community…a real community where real people look after each other in terms of meeting very real needs.” –
Carl R. Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

Faithfulness. If we would be among the family of God, the followers of Jesus, we are called to faithfully align ourselves, our priorities, our affections with those of Jesus and His mission. 

Relationship. Proximity. Faithfulness.

“We would very soon become contemptuous of a god whom we could figure out like a puzzle or learn to use like a tool. No, if God is worth our attention at all, he must be a God we can look up to – a God we must look up to.”
– Eugene Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

“The message of the Bible in one sentence – ‘God wants his family back.’”
– Philip Yancey

“Obedience to the will of God gives you wings, not chains! You are never more free than when you fulfill the plan God has for your life.” 
– Warren Wiersbe, On Being a Servant of God
