Mark 2:23-3:6


Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 2:23-3:6.

As if His growing popularity wasn’t enough to prompt their jealous animosity, one of the other things that exacerbated the situation with the religious leaders was that Jesus and/or His disciples seemed to disregard their established and exalted human traditions, especially those regarding the rules about observing the Sabbath.

What can we learn from these accounts about who Jesus is and why He did what He did, when He walked into the synagogues to teach and heal people on so many Sabbath days?

“Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living, whereas tradition is the living faith of the dead.”
– Jaroslav Pelikan

“One of the great dangers for Christians and for the world is that we are far, far too religious. We go to religious movies, we read religious books, we associate with religious people,  we eat religious cookies, and we wear religious underwear that is far too tight. Don’t get me wrong. I’m religious too. The problem is that the Holy Spirit isn’t.”
– Steve Brown, What Was I Thinking?

“God’s church means people not buildings, and God’s word means Scripture not traditions. So long as these essentials are preserved, the building and the traditions can if necessary go. We must not allow them to imprison the living God or to impede his mission in the world.”
– John Stott, The Message of Acts
