Mark 14:66-72

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 14:66-72

Peter’s Denial of Jesus

All four gospel accounts contain Jesus’ prediction and warning to the over-confident disciple Peter that, not only would Peter deny Christ, but he would deny Christ 3 times before the rooster crowed. It is included here in Mark 14:29-31 (Mt 26; Luke 22; John 13)

6 steps on how to ruin your spiritual life…

  1. Follow from a distance (14:54)
  1. Sit down with the enemy (14:54)
  1. Warm yourself by a foreign fire (14:54)
  1. Evade identification (14:66-72)
  1. Self-loathing (14:66-72
  1. Definitive denial (14:66-72)

If denial of Jesus was possible for one of His closest disciples, an apostle and one of the leaders of the early church, then we must be constantly on guard lest we too deny Jesus. 

“Please don’t try to keep Jesus on the periphery of your life. He cannot remain there. Give yourself to him – center your entire life on him – and let his power reproduce his character in you.”
Tim Keller, King’s Cross

“The Church, however large its buildings and however grand its ceremonies or vestments, is a denial of Christ unless it is affecting the world – in business and government and education and many other segments of human experience.”
Elton Trueblood, The Company of the Committed
