Mark 12:35-44

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 12:35-44

“The story of a Messiah who was crucified as a criminal by the Jews’ imperial oppressors and then discovered alive again three days later by a group of his female followers would have gone against all their prevailing Jewish cultural and theological norms. This would be a very odd story to invent.”
Justin Brierley, The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God

“The four New Testament Gospels tell multiple stories of Jesus relating to women. Poor women. Rich women. Sick women. Grieving women. Old women. Young girls. Jewish women. Gentile women. Women known for their sinfulness. Women known for their virtue. Virgins and widows. Prostitutes and prophetesses. Looking through their eyes, we see a man who valued women of all kinds— especially those vilified by others. Indeed, the way that Jesus treated women tore up the belief that women are innately inferior to men: a belief that was pervasive in the ancient world. We should not be surprised, therefore, that women have been flocking to Jesus ever since.”
Rebecca McLaughlin, Jesus Through the Eyes of Women

“Her sacrifice, though small, was total. Once again, when we read this story in the light of Jesus’ riddle about David’s Lord and David’s son we discover a strange affinity. One might have thought she was ‘merely’ putting in two copper coins, but in fact, she was putting in everything she had. One might have thought the Messiah was ‘merely’ David’s son — a human king among other human kings. But in fact, in the Messiah, Israel’s God has given himself totally, given all that he had and was. At the end of this chapter, we are left on tiptoe with expectation.”
Tom Wright, Mark for Everyone
