Mark 11:27-33

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 11:27-33

“The characteristic of Jesus that left the most lasting impression on his followers and caused the greatest offense to his opponents was his exousia, his sovereign freedom and magisterial authority.”
James R. Edwards

“All wicked men, though they pretend to be desirous of learning, shut the gate of truth, if they feel it to be opposed to their wicked desires.”
John Calvin, Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke

“Pride is more than the first of the seven deadly sins; it is itself the essence of all sin.  For it is the stubborn refusal to let God be God, with the corresponding ambition  to take his place.  It is the attempt to dethrone God and enthrone ourselves.  Sin is self-deification.”
John Stott, The Contemporary Christian

“I cannot remember a time when I did not already feel, in some dim way, that I was ‘not my own’ to do with as I pleased, but was claimed by a higher power which had authority over me.”
John Baillie, Scottish theologian and minister, author of Our Knowledge of God

“The answer to bad authority is not no authority, but good authority. We mustn’t respond to abuse with abandonment. Good authority, properly exercised, is a gift to God’s people.”
Trevin Wax

“At the one point in the history of the universe where God looked trapped, he was in charge, doing precisely what he pleased—dying to justify the ungodly like you and me.”
John Piper
