Mark 10:32-45

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 10:32-45

Jesus foretells, for the third time and with increased detail, about His suffering, death and resurrection here in v32-34 (cf Mark 8:31 & Mark 9:31)

“He would have us know that His death was the great end for which He came into the world. He would remind us that by that death the great problem was to be solved—how God could be just, and yet justify sinners. He did not come upon earth merely to teach, and preach, and work miracles. He came to make satisfaction for sin, by His own blood and suffering on the cross.”
J. C. Ryle, Mark

In an unavoidable contrast the disciples display and expose their self-centered, over-confident, personal ambition and lust for power v35-41 so, Jesus redefines greatness v38-45

“There is a place in society for a new Christian movement that practices love and justice, that answers the great questions—of purpose, meaning, hope, happiness, guilt and forgiveness, identity—questions that the secular culture has given up on. But it must avoid the abuses of power and the mistakes of religious regimes of the past.”
Timothy Keller, Gospel in Life
