April 3, 2022
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Kingdom Appetites in a Fallen World
Last week, in our study of chapter 5, Jesus focused on the moral (horizontal) dimensions of righteousness—living faithfully in relationship to others. Jesus taught that our righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. In other words, behavior modification alone is not true righteousness. Authentic righteousness comes from an overflow of a heart that has been transformed and reoriented to the King and His kingdom.
Join us this week as we begin our study of chapter 6. Jesus puts His focus on the religious (vertical) dimensions of righteousness—living faithfully in relationship to God as Father through means of grace like fasting, prayer and giving. At the root our spiritual appetites have been twisted by sin. Even good gifts like prayer can be mangled by our disordered hearts. Instead of nourishing intimate communion with God, the means of grace can be turned into a tool to satisfy a hunger for esteem, self-aggrandizement or pride.
Join Pastor Tommy as we study what Jesus has to teach us about reorienting our appetites in a fallen world.