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2 Kings 9-10

The King is Coming

The King is Coming

2 Kings 9-10 Outline:

  • 9:1-13 – Jehu is anointed as king
  • 9:14-10:27 – God’s judgement on the house of Ahab & the prophets of Baal
  • 10:28-36 – An evaluation of Jehu’s reign

2 KINGS 9-10: 

  1. The King is Coming in Righteous Judgement of His Enemies (9:1-10:27)
  2. The King is Coming With an Invitation (9:16-19)
  3. A Greater King Has Come (10:28-34) 

“The justice of God in the Old Testament is not a relic of the past, but a revelation of His unchanging character. It is a manifestation of His goodness, ensuring that evil will not go unpunished and that righteousness will be vindicated.”
John Piper

“Come to Christ and lay hold on Him by faith, as the only way to escape the wrath to come.”
Jonathan Edwards

“Jesus is the only King who died for His subjects, the only King who is sovereign over every power and yet willfully took the lowest place, the only King who brings both justice and mercy, the only King whose reign brings true freedom and flourishing.”
Tim Keller

“Whereas at the conquest [and elsewhere], God poured out His judgement on a wicked society who deserved it, at the cross, God bore on Himself the judgement of God on human wickedness, through the person of His own sinless son – who deserved it not one bit.” 
Christopher Wright 

Discussion Questions

  • What would be the affects on a believer who neglects the truth of God’s future judgment? 
  • What does it reveal about God that He is able to use “improper” instruments for His own good purposes? 
  • How does Jehu foreshadow Christ and display our sinful humanity?

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