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2 Kings 22-23

When Reformation is Futile

When Reformation is Futile

“I don’t know much about ‘the people of the land’ — that is, I don’t know how deep their faith or how earnest their piety was. But it is fascinating that after fifty-five years of Manasseh and two year of Manasseh, Jr., they do not cast aside the Davidic succession of kings… After over a half-century of disenchantment who could blame them had they said they were finished with David’s line of kings since it gave them only rogues and bums?…They hadn’t see any royal ‘attractiveness’ for decades, and yet, in line with Yahweh’s promise, they install an eight-year-old descendant of David as king. And how could they know he wouldn’t prove Manasseh III? Or how could they be sure he could bring any ultimate good since Manasseh had made judgement certain for Judah? But, like dropping anchor to ride out a furious storm, they hold to Yahweh’s kingdom promise in spite of the disappointments and wickedness that have closed in on them.”
Dale Ralph Davis


  • A new king who does what is right (22:1-2)
  • The discovery of the book (22:3-10) 
  • The distress of the king (22:11-14)
  • The word of the prophet (22:15-20)


  • Josiah joins only seven other kings who we are told did what what was right. (Asa – 1 Kings 15:11, Jehoshaphat – 1 Kings 22:43, Joash – 2 Kings 12:2, Amaziah – 2 Kings 14:3, Azariah/Uzziah – 2 King 15:3, Jotham – 2 Kings 15:34, Hezekiah – 2 Kings 18:3)
  • Only two others share with Josiah a favorable comparison to David. (Asa & Hezekiah)
  • Josiah’s steadfastness puts him in a category with Hezekiah.
  • We can see Josiah’s reign as a kindness from Yahweh, even if we know His judgement is still coming. 


  • There is no hope for Judah. Yahweh will bring disaster against them because they have forsaken Him. 
  • There is some mercy. Josiah will not see this disaster because his heart was soft and he humbled himself before Yahweh.


  • Renewing the covenant (23:1-3)
  • Reforming worship (23:4-20) 
  • Observing Passover (23:21-23)
  • The uniqueness of King Josiah (23:24-25)
  • The unchanged wrath of Yahweh (23:26-27)
  • The death of Josiah (23:28-30)
  • More wicked kings (23:31-37)

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think Josiah continues with his reforms knowing that God is still going to bring judgement on Judah?
  • Sometimes God fulfills His word immediately, other times He takes His time. Why do you think God does it this way?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God will fulfill His word even when it is a fulfillment in judgement?

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