TVC Kids
“O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—stories we have heard and known, stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders.”
Psalm 78:1-4, NLT
Throughout the scriptures, we see a call to tell of the works of the Lord to the next generation—in the home and the church. In the coming school year, TVC is seeking individuals who will commit to serving our kids, youth and college students, investing in their spiritual formation and discipleship as teachers and small group leaders. Will you consider joining us in this mission to serve the next generation by volunteering? Please fill out our Serve at TVC form below so we can begin a conversation.
TVC Kids is also hiring paid positions. Click here for details.
Questions? Contact Jamie
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Please fill out our Serve at TVC form, letting us know your areas of interest and we will be in touch!