March 20, 2022


“Come Thou Almighty King”
Felice de Giardini

“Grace Greater Than Our Sin”
Julia H. Johnston

“Speak O Lord”
Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

“Before the Throne”
Charitie Lees Bancroft & Vikki Cook

Call To Worship: How Majestic is Your Name

O Lord, our LORD, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
Just this morning, the sun declares the beauty 
and persistence of Your unrivaled power.
No one had to remind the earth to rotate, the stars to shine,
or the sun to break through the darkness.

As we gather to worship You, someone in our fellowship 
needs to experience the breaking of a new day in their life.  
Overcome their misery; overpower the forces 
that seek to bind them and blind them.
Come now, Lord; set all our hearts and voices free to worship You.

It’s been You, Lord, who has protected us while we slept.
It’s been You, Lord, who has provided for our every need.
It’s been You, Lord, who has given us strength for every battle.
It’s been You, Lord, who has made a way through every wilderness.

As we end one week and begin another, have mercy on us all, 
especially those in need and those who suffer injustice.
Something inside us is longing for more of You, Lord Christ.
May our souls find peace in Your presence.
May our sorrows fall exhausted at the feet of Your joy.

Help us remember to rest in Your sovereignty and faithfulness;
help us to honor Your name, walk in Your ways,
and praise You with all our being.

Hallelujah, amen!

Classic Prayer: George Herbert

Blessed be the God of heaven and earth, who only does wondrous things. We praise you! Bless your Word, wherever it is spoken today throughout the church. Make it a word of power and peace, to convert those who are not yet yours, and to confirm those who are. Bless your Word in this your own kingdom, which you have made a land of light, a storehouse of your treasures and mercies. Ride on Lord! Make your Word a swift word, passing from the ear to the heart, from the heart to the life. As the rain returns not empty, so may your Word accomplish that for which it is given. For your blessed Son’s sake, amen.

Creed: What is Scripture?

Leader:  What is Holy Scripture? 
People:  Holy Scripture is “God’s Word written,” given by the Holy Spirit through prophets and apostles as the revelation of God and His acts in human history, and is therefore the Church’s final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

Leader:  What does it mean that Holy Scripture is inspired? 
People:  Holy Scripture is “God-breathed,” for the biblical authors wrote under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit to record God’s Word.

Leader:  Why is Jesus Christ called the Word of God? 
People: ​​ The fullness of God’s revelation is found in Jesus Christ, who not only fulfills the Scriptures, but is Himself God’s Word, the living expression of God’s mind. The Scriptures testify about Him, “In the beginning was the Word,” and “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Therefore, “ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.”

Source:  ACNA, Concerning Holy Scripture; Questions 25, 30, 32

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