Sunday Sermons
Luke 10:1-24
Field Notes From the Harvest

Sunday Sermons
Luke 9:46-62
The Greatness of Humility

Sunday Sermons
Luke 9:28-45
A Glimpse of His Glory

Sunday Sermons
Luke 9:18-27
The Christ, The Cross, The Call

Sunday Sermons
Luke 9:1-17
Living a Sent Life

Sunday Sermons
Luke 8:40-56
Faith in the Waiting

Sunday Sermons
Luke 8:22-39
A Savior in the Storm, A Deliverer from the Darkness

Sunday Sermons
Luke 2:1-20
Advent Proclaimed

Sunday Sermons
Luke 8:1-21
Keep Your Eyes on Your Ears

Sunday Sermons
Luke 7:36-50
Pride and Shame Encounter Jesus

Sunday Sermons
Luke 7:18-35
Where Do I Take My Doubts?

Sunday Sermons