We offer TVC Kids for nursery, toddlers, preschool and K-5 during each of our morning worship services.
If you would like to learn more about The Village Chapel, we hope you will attend one of our Sunday services in the Chapel or online. When you arrive at TVC feel free to speak to one of our Welcome Team (wearing a blue “Hi!” lanyard), our staff (wearing a green “Ask Me” lanyard), or visit our Info Table on the 2nd floor just outside of the Chapel.
We are located in the historic St. Bernard building just south of Hillsboro Village. Don’t be fooled by that 21st Avenue South address. Our building is actually set back behind St. Bernard Park and Century Hillsboro Village apartments, on the corner of Bernard Avenue and Convent Place.
On Sundays, help yourself to any open space in the upper or lower lots surrounding the St. Bernard building. There is a staircase connecting the lower and upper parking lot. You can also park behind the building, adjacent to St. Bernard Academy. If these areas are full, there are spaces in the lot at Friedman’s or along Bernard Avenue.
Accessible Parking
As you enter the parking lot from Bernard Ave, proceed past the Main Entrance (Door #1) to find four accessible parking spaces on your left located next to the Ramp Entry (Door #2).
Just inside Ramp Entry (Door #2) you will find an elevator. The Chapel, where our Sunday worship services take place, is located on floor 2.
Assisted Listening
Assisted listening devices are available just outside the Chapel doors at the Info Table. Please ask the TVC Staff at that table if you have any questions or need assistance.
We offer TVC Kids for nursery, toddlers, preschool and K-5 during each of our morning worship services.
We offer Youth Sunday School that meets at 11 am in The Basement and Wednesday Youth Group that begins in The Living Room from 6 – 8 pm.
You’ve attended a Sunday Service, and have a basic idea of what we believe, so what’s next? Groups are the best way to plug-in after attending a Sunday Service.
Please fill out our online Info Card and we will reach out to you directly.