
Worship & AV Team

God-Directed, Christ-Centered Worship

At The Village Chapel we desire that our Sunday morning musical worship be God-directed, Christ-centered and congregationally accessible.

We want to be a church that sings well! The Apostle Paul directs us to do the same, “…teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16). Musical worship is formative and helps to shape our understanding of the Gospel. We have the privilege of singing to one another, reminding each other of the matchless worth of Jesus.

Serving On Our Worship & A/V Team

Our worship and AV team is a growing community of Christ-followers who use our musical and technical skills to serve in our mission to engage the church in God-directed, Christ-centered, congregationally accessible worship. Areas of serving include slides computer operators, video switchers, audio engineers, musicians and vocalists. If you are a musician or vocalist who is interested in serving on our TVC Worship team, or if you are interested in serving on our TVC Audio Visual team, please take a moment to complete one of the forms below so our staff can contact you.

AV Team   Worship Team

Questions? Contact Ryan

Get More Info & Sign Up

Please fill out our Serve at TVC form, letting us know your areas of interest and we will be in touch!

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