January 2, 2022

Psalm 90

Teach Us to Number Our Days

Psalm 90 is the kind of song that invites us to sit up and pay attention; to put aside temporal distractions and examine our lives in light of eternity. This Psalm of Moses, likely one of the oldest in the entire Psalter, is composed of several prayers and statements that remind us of who God is: the creator, infinite, eternal and everlasting. Moses also lays out the present condition of humanity: finite, rebellious and in need of redemption. The opening sentence loudly proclaims that the Everlasting God is our true dwelling place, home and refuge. How does an infinite and holy God become the dwelling place of finite rebellious people? Join us as we study this beautiful Psalm and witness the grace, mercy and favor of God at work in his people, offering us an eternal perspective from which to orient our lives.


Sermon Notes

“One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.”
John Piper

Structure of Psalm 90:

  • Who God is (v. 1-2)

  • Who we are (v. 3-11)

  • Our proper response of faith (v. 12-17)

“God’s wrath is not a cranky explosion, but His settled opposition to the cancer of sin which is eating out the insides of the human race He loves with His whole being.”
Rebecca Manley Pippert,
Hope Has its Reasons

“God’s saving love in Christ, however, is marked by both radical truthfulness about who we are and yet also radical, unconditional commitment to us. The merciful commitment strengthens us to see the truth about ourselves and repent. The conviction and repentance moves us to cling to and rest in God’s mercy and grace.”
Timothy Keller,
The Meaning of Marriage

Four prayers from Psalm 90:

  1. Teach us to number our days, that we might get a heart of wisdom. (v. 12)

  2. Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. (v. 14)

  3. Make us glad for the days You have given us. (v. 15)

  4. Establish the work of our hands. (v. 17)

“There is perhaps no greater secret of progress in Christian living than a healthy, hearty spiritual appetite. Again and again, Scripture addresses its promises to the hungry. God ‘satisfies him who is thirsty, and the hungry He fills with good things.’ (Matt. 5:6)”
John Stott, The Message of the Sermon on the Mount

“The only New Year’s Resolution I make every year is to collapse more fully on Christ. I trust in Jesus’ resolve, not mine.”
Jack Miller

Learn much of the Lord Jesus. For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ. He is altogether lovely.”
Robert Murray M’Cheyne


Discussion Questions

  • Read the passage together: Before today’s sermon, what did you already know or believe about this passage? Did anything in your understanding shift after hearing the message?
  • Challenge and Reflection: Was there a part of today’s message that was particularly challenging or surprising for you? Why?
  • Unpacking the Message: Pick a quote from today’s sermon notes. Discuss what it means to you.
  • Personal Impact: What’s one specific way you feel called to change or grow after hearing this message?
  • Practical Application: What’s one step you can take this week to put today’s message into practice?
  • Connecting Scripture: Are there other Bible passages or stories this message reminds you of? How do they expand or confirm this teaching?
  • Gratitude: What aspect of God’s character stood out to you in today’s message? How does it inspire praise or gratitude?
  • Pray the Scripture: After hearing the message, is there a specific area where you feel led to pray? How can we pray for one another in light of today’s teaching?