September 14, 2014

Psalm 31 (2014)

My Times are in Your Hand

In Psalm 31 King David declared “My times are in Your hand.” What did David mean by this bold statement? How would such a claim impact David’s view of all the pain, evil and suffering in his life? What does it mean to live our lives with a view of God as completely sovereign in all things? Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks the timeless truths of the Bible found in Psalm 31.


Sermon Notes

Songs of revelation and response

Believing “my times are in His hands” means…

1. Success does not become an occasion for pride.

“Doubt and faith, mix either with pride and the concoction is toxic. Those proud in their faith, those proud in their doubts – both are terrors.”
Mark Buchanan
Your God is Too Safe

“It is an absurd folly that miserable men take it upon themselves to act without God, when they cannot even speak except He wills.”
John Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion

2. Uncertainty does not become an occasion for panic.

“The even place on which our foot stands is the sure, covenant faithfulness of the Lord of Hosts; there is no fear of falling from this solid basis, or of its being removed from under us.”
C. H. Spurgeon

“Providence is a soft pillow for anxious heads, an anodyne for care, a grave for despair.”
C. H. Spurgeon

3. Adversity does not become an occasion for self-pity

“No matter what is or isn’t working in my ministry, no matter what difficulties I am facing, no matter what battles I am fighting, the expansive glory of God gives me reason to get up in the morning and do what I have been gifted and called to do with enthusiasm, courage, and confidence.”
Paul Tripp

“If God has given His Son to die for us, let us beware of doubting His kindness and love in any painful providence of our daily life.”
J. C. Ryle


Discussion Questions

  • Read the passage together: Before today’s sermon, what did you already know or believe about this passage? Did anything in your understanding shift after hearing the message?
  • Challenge and Reflection: Was there a part of today’s message that was particularly challenging or surprising for you? Why?
  • Unpacking the Message: Pick a quote from today’s sermon notes. Discuss what it means to you.
  • Personal Impact: What’s one specific way you feel called to change or grow after hearing this message?
  • Practical Application: What’s one step you can take this week to put today’s message into practice?
  • Connecting Scripture: Are there other Bible passages or stories this message reminds you of? How do they expand or confirm this teaching?
  • Gratitude: What aspect of God’s character stood out to you in today’s message? How does it inspire praise or gratitude?
  • Pray the Scripture: After hearing the message, is there a specific area where you feel led to pray? How can we pray for one another in light of today’s teaching?