August 10, 2014

Psalm 25

Songs of revelation and response

Psalm 25 offers us a look at King David’s search for guidance from God. What characteristics mark those who earnestly desire to know God’s will? How can we learn more about seeking God’s will for our lives from this ancient song? Join Pastor Jim as he unpacks answers to these questions and more of the timeless truths found in Psalm 25.


Sermon Notes

Characteristics of those who are guided by God:

1. Authentic Repentance

“In a world where the only plea is ‘Not guilty,’ what possibility is there for an honest encounter with Jesus, who died for our sins? We can only pretend that we are sinners, and thus only pretend that we are forgiven.”
Brennan Manning
Ruthless Trust

“What we call asking God’s forgiveness very often really consists in asking God to accept our excuses…What we have got to take to him is the inexcusable bit, the sin… As regards my own sins it is a safe bet (though not a certainty) that the excuses are not really so good as I think: as regards other men’s sins against me it is a safe bet (though not a certainty) that the excuses are better than I think.”
C.S. Lewis
The Weight of Glory

2. True Humility

“True humility does not know that it is humble. If it did, it would be proud from the contemplation of so fine a virtue.”
Martin Luther

“Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration on something or someone else.”
Madeleine L’Engle

3. Loving Obedience

“A real Christian is an odd number, anyway. He feels supreme love for the One whom he has never seen; talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see; expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another; empties himself in order to be full; admits he is wrong so he can be declared right; goes down in order to get up; is strongest when he is weakest; richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst. He dies so he can live; forsakes in order to have; gives away so he can keep; sees the invisible; hears the inaudible and knows that which passeth knowledge.”
A. W. Tozer

4. Awestruck Reverence

“The ultimate issue in relation to Jesus Christ is not one of semantics (the meaning of words) but of homage (the attitude of the heart), not whether our tongue can subscribe to an orthodox formulation of the person of Jesus, but whether our knee has bowed before his majesty. Besides, reverence always precedes understanding. We shall know him only if we are willing to obey him.”
John Stott




Discussion Questions

  • Read the passage together: Before today’s sermon, what did you already know or believe about this passage? Did anything in your understanding shift after hearing the message?
  • Challenge and Reflection: Was there a part of today’s message that was particularly challenging or surprising for you? Why?
  • Unpacking the Message: Pick a quote from today’s sermon notes. Discuss what it means to you.
  • Personal Impact: What’s one specific way you feel called to change or grow after hearing this message?
  • Practical Application: What’s one step you can take this week to put today’s message into practice?
  • Connecting Scripture: Are there other Bible passages or stories this message reminds you of? How do they expand or confirm this teaching?
  • Gratitude: What aspect of God’s character stood out to you in today’s message? How does it inspire praise or gratitude?
  • Pray the Scripture: After hearing the message, is there a specific area where you feel led to pray? How can we pray for one another in light of today’s teaching?