Mark 7:24-37

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 7:24-37.

1. The Gospel transcends all kinds of barriers: racial, ethnic, national, religious, gender, socio-economic, educational, etc, etc

“An international community. Christ’s kingdom, while not incompatible with patriotism, tolerates no narrow nationalisms.  He rules over an international community in which race, nation, rank and sex are no barriers to fellowship.  And when his kingdom is consummated at the end, the countless redeemed company will be seen to be drawn ‘from every nation, tribe, people and language’ (Rev. 7:9).”
– John Stott, The Message of Acts

“The achievement of Christ knows no barriers of color or class, of birth or social status.”
– N. T. Wright, Small Faith-Great God

2. The Gospel is an offer of grace.

“The gospel is not good advice to men, but good news about Christ; not an invitation to us to do anything, but a declaration of what God has done; not a demand, but an offer.”
– John Stott

“I am wonderfully content with a God who does not deal with me as my sins deserve.”
– Brennan Manning

3. The Gospel redeems and transforms us.

The Gospel exposes who we have been, transforms who we are and who we will become.

“When God saves us, He makes the dead alive, He removes our spiritual blindness with sight, He opens our heart to respond, and He gives us a new nature which desires God. If it is not technically correct to say God overrides our will, He most certainly does change our nature and our will.”
– Bob Deffinbaugh

Who is Jesus?

How should we respond to Jesus?

The miracles of Jesus Christ

  1. Display the authority and power of Jesus
  2. Arouse curiosity about Jesus
  3. Confirm the identity of Jesus
  4. Reveal the compassion of Jesus
  5. Inspire us to worship Jesus