Mark 14:12-31

Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 2, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Mark. Today’s passage is Mark 14:12-31

  • The Last Passover and the First Lord’s Supper (14:12-26)
  • The Prediction of Peter’s Denial (14:27-31)

1. Judas reminds us to beware of our capacity for spiritual drift, treachery and betrayal. In what ways am I vulnerable to drift and the possibility of such treachery?

“Only when we grasp how treacherous our sin is can we recognize how beautiful the gift of God’s grace is.”
Alisa Childers 

2. Peter reminds us of our capacity for spiritual over-confidence. In what scenarios am I dismissing my own capacity for depravity and leading others to do the same?

“The confidence proper to a Christian is not the confidence of one who claims possession of demonstrable and indubitable knowledge. It is the confidence of one who has heard and answered the call that comes from God: ‘Follow me.’”
Lesslie Newbigin

3. Jesus continues to remind us that He loves us, even when we’ve not loved Him with our whole hearts.

Oh, what a Savior! Oh, what a king!
