March 9, 2025

Luke 11:1-4

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Do you ever wonder if prayer really works or makes a difference? Does God truly hear and answer our prayers? In this sermon, Pastor Jim dives into the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1-4), uncovering what prayer is—and isn’t. Is prayer simply making requests for what we want, or is it our lifeline to God, a way of developing a life-altering communion with the Lord? As we explore Jesus’ own teaching on prayer, we’ll learn to approach God not just as a distant deity, but as a loving Father who invites us into a personal relationship. Together, we’ll discover how prayer shapes our hearts and minds, aligns our will with God’s, and can transform our view of everyone and everything in the world around us. Like the disciples, let’s learn to pray as Jesus taught us.


Sermon Notes

Luke 11:1-4

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Pastor Jim Thomas


“Prayer is the nearest approach to God and the highest enjoyment of Him that we are capable of in this life.”
William Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life

“To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.”
Karl Barth

“Prayer is not a way of making use of God; prayer is a way of offering ourselves to God in order that He should be able to make use of us.” It may be that one of our great faults in prayer is that we talk too much and listen too little. When prayer is at its highest we wait in silence for God’s voice to us; we linger in His presence for His peace and His power to flow over us and around us; we lean back in His everlasting arms and feel the serenity of perfect security in Him.”
William Barclay

“We do well not to pray the Lord’s Prayer lightly. It takes guts to pray it at all. To speak those words is to invite the tiger out of the cage, to unleash a power that makes atomic power look like a warm breeze.”
Frederick Buechner

Father, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation.

“What is a Christian? The question can be answered in many ways, but richest answer I know is that a Christian is one who has God as Father.”
J.I. Packer, Knowing God

1. Begin with God

Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.

“Thus, from the Biblical viewpoint, when I pray, God does hear and He can act into the cause and effect universe in answer to my prayer. However, God is not a machine. I must not see Him as a vending machine into which I put a quarter and get out a candy bar in a purely mechanical fashion. He is personal, and thus in answering prayer He operates on the basis of what He knows is the best and wisest answer to that prayer, and not just in a mechanical reflex.”
Francis Schaeffer

Three ways the New Testament speaks of our union with Christ:

1. “In Christ/him“ (90+ times)

  • “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1
  • “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • “In him we have redemption… In him we have obtained an inheritance…” Ephesians 1:3-14

2. “With Christ” (25+ times)

  • “I have been crucified with Christ.” Galatians 2:20
  • “For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:3
  • “Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.” Romans 6:8

3. “Through him/Christ” (40+ times)

  • “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
  • “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

2. Bring your needs to God

Give us each day our daily bread

3. Ask for forgiveness

Confess your sin, Receive God’s forgiveness, Reflect His grace and mercy

“What we call asking God’s forgiveness very often really consists in asking God to accept our excuses…What we have got to take to him is the inexcusable bit, the sin… As regards my own sins it is a safe bet (though not a certainty) that the excuses are not really so good as I think: as regards other men’s sins against me it is a safe bet (though not a certainty) that the excuses are better than I think.”
C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

4. Protection

And lead us not into temptation

“Even here, in your repentance, you must not only turn from temptation and sin but also turn to Christ. He is the one who both preserves the tempted and restores the fallen. So wherever you are in respect to temptation and sin, seek Christ.”
Brian G. Hedges, Watchfulness

“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”
Corrie ten Boom, Each New Day

Discussion Questions

  • When you read or recite The Lord’s Prayer, is there a particular portion that usually stands out & impacts you personally?
  • Do you find it easier to offer or accept forgiveness?
  • What can you do this week to follow Corrie ten Boom’s admonition to make prayer less of a “spare tire” and more of your “steering wheel”?

Songs, Readings & Prayer


“This Is My Father’s World“ by Maltbie D. Babcock, Mary Crawford Babcock, and Franklin Lawrence Sheppard
“Grace Greater Than Our Sin“ 
by Julia H. Johnston
“Come Thou Fount“ by Robert Robinson
“Jesus Strong And Kind“ 
by Colin Buchanan, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, and Rich Thompson
 “Doxology” by Thomas Ken and Louis Bourgeois

All songs are used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

Call To Worship: How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place

Leader: How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!
People: Our souls long, yes faint for the courts of the Lord; Our hearts and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

Leader: Who is like you, O Lord, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
People: It is good to be near God; Make the Lord God our refuge and tell of all his works.

Leader: Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, Who alone does wondrous things.
All: Blessed be his glorious name forever; May the whole earth be filled with his Glory! Amen and Amen!

Source: Excerpts from Psalm 84, 72, 73 and Ezekiel 15

Confession: “Maker of Heaven and Earth” 

Leader: Why do you call God the Father “Creator”?
People: I call God the Father “Creator” because he made all things. He creates and sustains all things through his Word, and gives life to all creatures through his Spirit.

Leader: How does recognizing God as Creator inform your understanding of his creation?
People: I acknowledge that God created for his own glory everything that exists. He created human beings, male and female, in his image and appointed us stewards of creation. God’s creation is thus a gift to enjoy as we work and care for it.

Leader: What does it mean that God created both heaven and earth?
People: It means that all things, whether visible or invisible, physical or spiritual, were brought into being out of nothing by the Word of the eternal God.

Source: ACNA, Q. 42-44

Classic Prayer: Myles Coverdale, 1488-1569

Merciful Father, we cry unto thee in all trouble and call upon thee through the crucified Jesus. Suffer us not to sink in great afflictions, give us not over unto our own strength; but the more the enemy presses upon us, be thou more our assistance: for in all anguish and trouble thou art our right helper and most faithful friend. If temptation comes upon us by thy Fatherly will, grant us grace, O Lord, patiently to bear it, and to lay the burden upon thy mercy; that in all trouble we, being else destitute of all consolation, may put our whole trust only in thee. Amen.

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