Once again, the children of Israel had forgotten the Lord, turned and worshiped the false gods of Baal and the Ashteroth. So, God sold them into the hands of the marauding Midianites. After 7 oppressive years the children of Israel cried out to the Lord and God sent them a prophet with a word of truth, and then a deliverer in the person of Gideon. But God sent Gideon into battle with only 300 men to go up against 135,000 Midianites. With such insurmountable odds, what is the outcome, what does it teach us about God and about ourselves? Join Pastor Jim for this action packed study of Judges 7!
Sermon Notes
The repeated theme found in the book of Judges is:
“The sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord” occurs 7 times! (2:11; 3:7, 12; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; 13:1)
Repeating cycle of spiritual decline in Judges:
- Rebellion
- Retributive justice
- Regret/Repentance
- Rescue & Restoration
“How difficult it was for Gideon to fight the enemy at these odds. If I had been there, I’d have befouled my breeches for fright.”
Martin Luther
- God uses means to give us bolder confidence in Him and to lead us toward deeper worship.
- His Word
- The encouragement of others
- A curious flow of circumstances
- An astonishing outcome that confirms God’s greatness and faithfulness!
“No where is God more present than in human weakness.”
James R. Edwards
“You can never be too small for God to use, only too big.”
Warren Wiersbe
“Grace will confront you with your weakness, then fill you with power greater than any you’ve ever known.”
Paul Tripp
“The signs which God to Gideon gave, His holy sovereignty made known; That He alone has pow’r to save, And claims the glory as his own.”
John Newton