After 20 years of severe oppression, the Lord set the children of Israel free. As you might imagine this evoked an exuberant celebration. What would that have looked and sounded like? Join Pastor Jim for a study of the Song of Deborah written over three millennia ago and found in Judges 5!
Sermon Notes
“Then the sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the LORD, after Ehud died.”
Judges 4:1
1. The sovereign God contrasted with a desperate people (v. 2-9)
“Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look up and seek God. Look around and serve God.”
Nicky Gumbel
2. A stirring call to worship (v. 10-12)
“The theologian offers his mind in the service of saying ‘God’ in such a way that God is not reduced or packaged or banalized, but known and contemplated and adored, with the consequence that our lives are not cramped into what we can explain but exalted by what we worship.”
Eugene Peterson, Reversed Thunder
3. Reliable neighbors contrasted with indifferent neighbors (v. 13-23)
“May God enable me to have a single eye and a simple heart, desiring to please God, to do good to my fellow creatures and to testify my gratitude to my adorable Redeemer.”
William Wilberforce
4. A faithful woman contrasted with a fretful woman (v. 24-30)
“Christianity is in its very essence a rescue religion.”
John Stott