In Between

“…we live between grace and glory, what joyous ground on which we live!”
Charles Spurgeon
At the end of each episode, I’ll close us with what is often referred to as a “breath prayer.” This simply means a prayer that is a couple of phrases long; the first phrase accompanies breathing in, and the second accompanies breathing out. They are short enough to memorize and keep in our thoughts throughout the day. An example is “The Jesus Prayer”: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Short phrases of truth that easily match up with your breathing. As Paul instructed us to “pray without ceasing,” breath prayers make praying as natural as breathing. I hope you will find them a good addition to your practicing the presence of God this Advent season.
Breath Prayer
“My soul glorifies you and my spirit rejoices.”
Luke 1:46-49, Mary’s Song