March 24, 2019

Hebrews 8

The author of Hebrews was well-versed in Old Testament scripture and how first- century Jews and Christians thought about covenants. What was wrong with the Old Covenant, and what is so radically new and different about the New Covenant? Join Pastor Matt Pierson as he shares with us from Hebrews 8 how Jesus was The High Priest of a Better Ministry, The Mediator of a Better Covenant, and The Savior and Keeper of Better Promises.


Sermon Notes

“All the sacrifices and gifts in the world could not ease the most seriously disturbed part of man’s inner life. The better covenant offered full and complete inward cleansing.”
Raymond Brown

“But Jesus has now obtained a superior ministry, and to that degree he is the mediator of a better covenant, which has been established on better promises.”
Hebrews 8:6, CSB

The Incomparable Christ is:

1. The High Priest of a Better Ministry

“Only the high priest might enter the holy of holies; but Jesus has secured access into God’s presence for all his people. Only once a year (on the Day of Atonement) might the high priest enter; but Jesus has secured for us continuous access. Only with the blood of animal sacrifice might the high priest enter; but Jesus entered with his own blood. Only cleansing from ceremonial defilement was secured by the Old Testament sacrifices; but Jesus secured the forgiveness of our sins. Only by regular sacrifices could the people remain clean; but Jesus died once for all.”
John Stott, The Incomparable Christ

“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”
Hebrews 7:25, NIV

2. The Mediator of a Better Covenant

“If just knowing what to do was sufficient to make us live as we should, then the revelation in the Old Testament would have been adequate: God telling the people how to live would result in the people living that way. If this had worked, we would not have needed the cross.”
Christina Walker, Associate Director of Academic programs at the Billy Graham Center

“Religion says, ‘live like this and God will accept you.’ And the Gospel says, ‘At infinite cost through Jesus Christ, God has accepted you. Now live like this.’”
Tim Keller

3. The Keeper of Better Promises

“God once wrote his laws to his people, now he will write his laws in them; he will give them understanding to know and to believe his laws; he will give them memories to retain them; he will give them hearts to love them, courage to profess them, and power to put them in practice.”
Matthew Henry


God’s “I Will Statements” of Hebrews 8:10-12:

  • I will put my laws in their minds.
  • I will write them on their hearts.
  • I will be their God and they will be my people.
  • I will forgive their wickedness.
  • I will remember their sins no more.

Our response to God’s “I Will Statements”:

  • Lord, I believe You will put your laws in my mind.
  • Lord, I believe You will write your laws on my heart.
  • Lord, we believe You will be our God, and we will be your people.
  • Lord, I believe You will forgive my wickedness.
  • Lord, I believe You will remember my sins no more.