January 20, 2019

Hebrews 2:1-4

Whenever we find warnings or exhortations in scripture it’s a reminder of the nature of the relationship between God and humanity; that this relationship is more than just theoretical, it is also practical and volitional, because we have a choice to either heed the wise warnings of scripture or, to ignore them. As our theology intersects and influences our biography, what are we taught about Jesus Christ in scripture that is designed to have a transformative impact on our life with God and on every other aspect of our lives as well? Join Pastor Jim for this practical and encouraging study from Hebrews 2:1-4.


Sermon Notes

Where did everything come from?

Can I find meaning and purpose in life?

What does it mean to be a human person?

Are there ANY absolute truths?

How can we tell the difference between right and wrong? 

What is our destiny?

Is there really more to this than meets the eye?


Beware the dangers of a drifting life.

“Nothing good ever happens on National Geographic after the phrase, ‘Sometimes the calf wanders away from its herd.’”

The book of Hebrews is a call to spiritual vigilance, alertness, and watchfulness. 

The book of Hebrews is a warning to avoid spiritual drift or becoming untethered, disconnected, aimless, to avoid a false sense of spirituality that is without substance, form, direction, or purpose.

“It is always simple to fall; there are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands.”
G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy 

Don’t neglect to remind yourself of your great need for God’s redeeming grace.

“For most of us the threat of life is not so much that we should plunge into disaster, but that we should drift in to sin. There are few people who deliberately and in a moment turn their backs on God; there are many who day by day drift farther and farther away from him… We must be continually on the alert against the peril of the drifting life.”
William Barclay, The Letter to the Hebrews

“You are absolutely helpless. The enemy will attack. Temptation will come. But left to yourself, you are like a tumbleweed in a tornado, a handkerchief in a hurricane. The lion will roar, the viper will strike, the flaming arrows of temptation will fly, and you will fall—apart from grace. That is why you need God.”
Brian G. Hedges, Watchfulness

Pay much closer attention to the Jesus of chapter one

Hebrews 1:1-4 

Jesus Christ is at the center of all that God has done in…

  • Revelation
  • Creation
  • Redemption

“Just as at sea those who are carried away from the direction of the harbor bring themselves back on course by a clear sign, so Scripture may guide those adrift on the sea of life back into the harbor of the divine will.”
Gregory of Nyssa (AD 335-395)

Our neglect of union with Christ explains the gaps between our faith and our lives. When the work of Christ for us becomes abstracted from the person of Christ within us, is it any wonder there is a chasm between our heads and our hearts or between our beliefs and our experiences? Is it surprising that we feel frustrated and cynical or tossed to and fro?”
Rankin Wilbourne, Union with Christ