Ephesians 3:8-12


Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 1, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Ephesians.  Today’s passage is Ephesians 3:8-12.

V8: Paul identifies himself as the “very least of all saints”

The God of the Bible often chooses the unlikely to accomplish the unimaginable. How might God chose to use you today?

V9: to preach the Gospel is to bring to light that mystery which, although hidden before, has now been revealed in the person and work of Christ Jesus.

V10: the “manifold wisdom of God” means God’s plan is like a multi-faceted jewel that God shines the light of the Gospel into and through the church of Jesus Christ; and in doing so, God puts His glory on unavoidable display for the entirety of creation to see.

V11: all of this is in keeping with God’s eternal purposes and plans which have now and will be fulfilled in the person and work of Christ Jesus our Lord.

V12: In Christ alone, we can approach God with a humble-yet-bold confidence, knowing Jesus has provided us with both access and acceptance.

“I don’t know what it means to love God —really, I’m not all that good at it—but I think one of the things it means is, just as in the case of loving anybody else, you stop and watch and wait. Listen for God, stop and watch and wait for him.” 
– Frederick Buechner, The Remarkable Ordinary
