Ephesians 3:1-7


Welcome to Timeless Truth with Pastor Jim Thomas. In season 1, Pastor Jim is leading us in a study of Ephesians.  Today’s passage is Ephesians 3:1-7.

Chapters 1-3 indicatives/what Christ has done
Chapters 4-6 imperatives/what it means to follow Christ

How Paul understood his own identity can teach us something about how we can come to understand our own identity as well.

  1. Prisoner of Christ Jesus v1
  2. Steward of God’s grace v2
  3. Recipient of divine revelation v3
  4. Understood the mystery of Christ v4
  5. Participant in the sweep of redemption history v5-7

“Mystery is not the absence of meaning, but the presence of more meaning than we can comprehend.”
– Eugene Peterson

“Grace will smash your pride, but give you more reason for confidence than you’ve ever had before.”
– Paul Tripp 

“In the essentials- unity, in the non-essentials- liberty, in all things- charity.”
– Rupertus Meldinius

“How can we develop a Christian mind which is shaped by the truths of historic, biblical Christianity and acquainted with the realities of the contemporary world?”
– John Stott, The Contemporary Christian
