What does it look like to be involved in a vital and vibrant personal ministry? How can we be used by God in more effective ways? Join Pastor Jim for this study of two events in the life of the apostle Peter, where God worked in powerful ways and many came to faith in Christ.
Sermon Notes
A healthy church is…
- A peaceful community
- A flourishing community
- A God-fearing community
- A tender-hearted community
- A reproducing community
“The church – a healthy church – is the hermeneutic of the gospel. It’s the way that the gospel comes to life. It’s the way that people can taste and smell the gospel.”
Leslie Newbigin
Effective disciples of Jesus:
1. Follow the example of Jesus.
“Evangelicals are therefore followers of Jesus Christ, plain ordinary Christians in the classic and historic sense over the last two thousand years. Evangelicals are committed to thinking, acting, and living as Jesus lived and taught, and so to embody his truth and his Good News for the world that we may be recognizably his disciples.”
An Evangelical Manifesto
2. Depend upon the power of Jesus.
“If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ.”
C. H. Spurgeon
3. Point others to Jesus.
“If Jesus’ first command was ‘Come!’, his second was ‘Go!’, that is, we are to go back into the world out of which we have come, and go back as Christ’s ambassadors.”
John Stott
“Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.”
Warren Wiersbe
On Being a Servant of God