As the early Christian church grew in exponential numbers, some organization had to be added to the “organism” that was the church. What were the problems of this fast-growing church and how did the leaders respond to those difficulties? Join Pastor Jim for a study of Acts 6 and learn why he says he loves “organized religion.”
Sermon Notes
1. Biblical and Practical
“The Gospel deals, not just with our alienation from God, but the Gospel also deals with our sinful preoccupation with ourselves and our lack of loving concern for other people. And one of the marks of the Gospel is that Christians are united in their care for one another.”
David Jackman
2. Adaptable
3. Faithful Servant Leaders
- From among us
- Good reputation
- Full of the Holy Spirit
- Full of wisdom
- Trustworthy
Characteristics of a Healthy Church
- Biblical and Practical
- Adaptable
- Faithful Servant Leaders
- Response to Opposition
“No wonder if the Christians made an impression out of all proportion to their numbers. Conviction in the midst of waverers, fiery energy in a world of disillusion, purity in an age of easy morals, firm brotherhood in a loose society, heroic courage in a time of persecution, formed a problem that could not be set aside, however polite society might affect to ignore it: and the religion of the future turned on the answer to it. Would the world be able to explain it better than the Christians, who said it was the living power of the risen Savior?” – Henry M. Gwatkin
4. Response to Opposition
5. A Gospel community in motion
“The Company of Jesus is not people streaming to a shrine; and it is not people making up an audience for a speaker; it is laborers engaged in the harvesting task of reaching their perplexed and seeking brethren with something so vital that, if it is received, it will change their lives.”
Elton Trueblood
The Company of the Committed