August 23, 2015

Acts 21:17-40

When the apostle Paul returned to Jerusalem following his third missionary journey, he brought a generous gift with him from the newly converted Gentile converts to Christianity. The shocking reception Paul received climaxed in a violent riot in the Temple area which had to be quelled by the Roman commander. What upset the Jews so much? Had they misunderstood Paul’s mission and message? What does this passage teach us about the difference between tradition and traditionalism? Join Pastor Jim for this action packed study from the last half of Acts 21.


Sermon Notes

1. The passion of the gospel mission

“It is my growing conviction that my life belongs to others just as much as it belongs to myself.”
Henri Nouwen
Seeds of Hope

“The stiff and wooden quality about our religious lives is a result of our lack of holy desire. Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth. Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people. He waits to be wanted. Too bad that with many of us He waits so long, so very long, in vain.”
A. W. Tozer
The Pursuit of God

2. The misrepresentation of the gospel message

“If the gospel isn’t the best news you’ve ever heard in your life, you can be sure you’ve misunderstood it.”
Rico Tice

3. The difference between tradition and traditionalism

“Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living, whereas tradition is the living faith of the dead.”
Jaroslav Pelikan

“The essence of worship is the inner experience of treasuring the true beauty and worth of God. And the outward forms of worship are the acts that show how much we treasure the beauty and worth of God. Therefore God created all of life as worship because he has told us, ‘whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God’ (1 Corinthians 10:31). Do everything you do in a way that expresses your treasuring of God.”
John Piper